Good girls don’t talk about these things

an idea of Venia Stamatiadi, Eleni Apostolopoulou, Mina Petrić


Premiere: May 7, 2025

in collaboration with Collective Strates (FR) and ArtFrakcija (SRB)

Two girls faced with pregnancy and motherhood. An idea, a body that changes little by little, their own expectations, the expectations of others, joys, fears, threats, melancholy, anger.

They comment with a confessional and sarcastic mood on everything that the social role of a woman imposes on her daily. They become the women they hate, they hate the women who become, put on and take off roles.

How much ultimately unites them and how much separates them?

At the center of the performance, the pregnant woman on an emotional roller coaster that characterizes the transition from the role of daughter to that of mother. An extreme psychological state that transforms a girl into a woman, an upsurge that some call hormonal and others simply human, a change that is frightening, whose color is nowhere near pink, a rock concert that is tender and angry, a cry that transforms into laughter and vice versa, a life experience full of thorns. A bright sun with teeth, sometimes sharp.

But we said, good girls don’t talk about these things. Right?


Idea: Venia Stamatiadi, Eleni Apostolopoulou, Mina Petrić

Text: Mina Petrić

Direction: Eleni Apostolopoulou

Music: Orestis Kalambalikis

Movement: Eleana Georgouli

Visual environment: Daphne Chaeretaki

Venia Stamatiadi
Eleni Chalastani

Sponsored and supported by


Parallel activities
  • Research residency of Mina Petrić, Eleni Apostolopoulou and Venia Stamatiadi in Samothrace as part of A Festival in Samothrace (June 2024)

  • Research residency of Mina Petrić, Eleni Apostolopoulou and Venia Stamatiadi in Paris at Studio BeauLabo (October 2024)